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that make up the following class: a book — "книжка взагалі або
якась книжка" на відміну від зошита, газети, журналу
The absence of the article in Ukrainian does not mean that
similar notions cannot be expressed in it with the help of other
means. Such means are usually word order, intonation and
different lexical means. Very often those functions, performed in
English with the help of definite and indefinite articles, are
expressed by the word order in Ukrainian. In particular, when we
mention some object or person in the classifying meaning for the
first time, this noun is usually put at the end of the sentence, e.g.:
Вас чекає хлопчик. (Compare: A boy is waiting for you).
When the name of the object or person is used in the same
sentence with the individualized meaning, then it is placed at the
beginning of the sentence, e.g.: Хлопчик чекає на вас.
(Compare: The boy is waiting for you). The same with sentences:
Там зупинилася машина. Машина дуже красива. (Compare:
A car has stopped there. The car is very beautiful.)
In all these cases the noun is correspondingly singled out
with intonation.
Besides the word order and intonation the Ukrainian
language possesses a number of words — pronouns of different
types — that are used similarly as the English article is used.
Ukrainian demonstrative pronouns (вказівні займенники —
той, цей) are used in the function similar to the function of the
English definite article; the function close to the function of the
English indefinite article is performed by Ukrainian pronouns
якийсь, який-небудь, один,.кожен, будь-який. Compare:
Have you an interesting book? — Є у вас (якась) цікава
I've bought a very interesting book. — Я купив (одну)
дуже цікаву книжку.
A child can understand that. — (Будь-яка, кожна)
дитина зможе це зрозуміти.