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2) various degrees of probability: maybe, perhaps, possibly,
                            probably, etc.;
                             different shades of desirability (undesirability): happily, luckily,
                             fortunately, unhappily, etc.
                                 Functioning as a parenthetical element of a sentence, modal
                             word is usually connected with the sentence as a whole, e.g.;
                             Apparently, they were fully prepared for the coming of visitors.
                                   But  sometimes  it  may  be  connected  with  a  part  of  a
                             sentence only, e.g.:
                            We worked that land for maybe a hundred year.
                                   In  Ukrainian  modal  words  are  not  viewed  as  a  separate
                             part  of  speech  by  some  linguists.  For  example,  in  the  book
                             "Modern Ukrainian language", edited by O. D. Ponomariv modal
                             words are considered not as a phenomenon of morphology but a
                             phenomenon  of  syntax.  Thus,  O.  D.  Ponomariv  distinguishes
                             parenthetic  constructions  (вставні  конструкції)  which  are
                             subdivided  into  three  kinds:  parenthetic  words,  word
                             combinations and sentences. According to O. D. Ponomariv the
                             role  of  parenthetic  words  is  often  performed  by  modal  words
                             (мабуть, певно, безперечно, безсумнівно, etc.). The majority of
                             them  correlate  with  adverbs  (звичайно,  нарешті,  власне,
                             імовірно,  взагалі,  навпаки,  etc.).  Very  often  the  role  of
                             parenthetic words is performed by adverbs (по-моєму, по-перше,
                             зрештою, наприклад, без сумніву, etc.)
                                   What  is  in  common  concerning  English  and  Ukrainian
                             modal words  is the  fact that the  majority of  modal words have
                             developed  from  the  adverbs  of  manner  and  have  retained  their
                             formal characteristics — in English the suffix -ly, in Ukrainian —
                             the  ending  -o.  Some  of  them  have  been  formed  by  the  way  of
                             lexicalization  of  word  combinations,  for  example:  of  course,
                             indeed; на щастя, на нещастя, без сумніву and others.
                                   Among the modal words in Ukrainian there are words of
                             verbal origin: здається,  кажуть, може and others. In English

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