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4.  Можливо  б,  їм  пізнати  інші  злети  не  там, де  стало
                            серце на причал (Л. Забашта).
                                   5. Мабуть, найбільше диво на землі – звичайна жінка з
                            іменем дружина (В. Дарда).

                                   II. Make up sentences of your own with the following
                            parenthetic words/ word combinations. Render these sentences
                            into  English.  Use  either  the  compound  sentence  with
                            conjunctions or compound sentence with asyndetically joined
                                   Безумовно,  на  радість,  як  водиться,  по-перше,  з
                            погляду,  без  сумніву,  як  навмисне,  на  думку,  крім  того,
                            безперечно, як на біду,  навпаки, по-твоєму, а втім,  нівроку,
                            навдивовижу, будь ласка, пам’ятаю, між іншим, зрештою.

                                   III.  Render  these  English  sentences  into  Ukrainian.
                            Comment on the types of sentences you used.
                                   1.  Over  the  ridge  she  would  find  him.  Surely  she  would
                            find him (fiction writing).
                                   2. She had stopped their mouths, maybe, but at what a cost
                            (fiction writing).
                                   3. She’s just engaged to him. Of course she is frightfully
                            excited  about  it,  and  naturally  he  wants  her  to  come  away  and
                            marry (fiction writing).
                                   4.  She  was  probably  dissatisfied  just  as  he  was  (fiction
                                   5.  Knowledge  of  something  kept  from  her  made  him,  no
                            doubt, unduly sensitive (fiction writing).
                                   6.  Thorp  was  actually  too  sick  to  see  anybody  (fiction
                                   7.  Winifred  could  barely  get  a  word  out  of  him,  he  ate
                            nothing, but he certainly took his liquor and his face kept getting
                            whiter (fiction writing).

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