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P. 31

5. The big part of the British calls the meal taken between midday and half past two in the
               afternoon lunch.
               6. Dinner in the 14th century was taken at the time now called tea-time.
               7. Workers who start work at sun-rise miss their lunch break.
               8. Families of workers outside south-east of England have tea at about 6 pm.
               9. The majority of the British people have dinner (sometimes called supper) at 7.30 in die
               10. Supper is favourite meal of the British people.
               6. Answer the following questions:
               1. What is Ukrainian cuisine famous for? 2. What is the most popular Ukrainian dish? 3.
               What are the other popular Ukrainian dishes? 4. What products do Ukrainians like? 5. What
               is your favourite Ukrainian dish? 6. What Ukrainian dishes do you like to cook? 7. What is
               your favourite soup? When do you eat it? 8. What is borshch made from? How long does it
               take to cook? What is borshch served with? 9. Do you like potatoes? What is your favourite
               “potato” dish?
               7. What do we say:
               1) if there is not enough salt in the soup?              a) I am as hungry as a hunter.
               2) if don’t like to have dinner alone?                     b) Let us have dinner together.
               3) if you want to have some brown bread?            c) Pass me the salt, please.
               4) if you cannot eat anything?                               d) Pass me some brown bread, please.
               5) if you want to have another cup of tea?  e) I’m rather hungry. I am more than ready for my
               6) if you are faint from hunger?                            f) I’d like a drop of water.
               7) when you are very hungry?                              g) May I ask for another cup of tea?
               8) when you are thirsty?                                       h) I have no appetite.

                                            GRAMMAR FOCUS: Quantifiers
                              Загальний спосіб ідентифікації: детермінативи some, any
                     Some  вживається  для  вказівки  певної  кількості  чогось  або  неозначеного  числа
               осіб або предметів без уточнення цієї кількості або числа.
               1.  Some  використовується  з  незлічуваними  іменниками  у  множині.  Зазвичай  some
               вживається у стверджувальних реченнях:
                          I had some good ideas.
                          There is some chocolate cake over there.
               2.  Some  може  вживатися  й  у  питальних  реченнях,  якщо  очікувана  відповідь
                          Could you give me some examples?
                          Would you like some coffee? Would you like something to eat?
               3. Some вживається для позначення достатньо великої кількості чогось:
                  I did not meet her again for some years. (some означає те саме, що several чи many)
                          It took some years for Dan to realize the truth.
                          You will be unable to restart the car for some time.
               4.  Some  вживається  і  зі  злічуваними  іменниками  в  однині  замість  a  чи  an,  якщо
               необхідно підкреслити, що людина чи предмет невідомі або неважливі:
                     Supposing you had some eccentric who came and offered you a thousand pounds.
                     I will spend a few weeks in some southern country.
               5.  Some  може  вживатися  перед  числівником  у  літературному  варіанті  англійської
               мови з метою показати, що наведені цифри не зовсім точні:
                          … an animal weighing some five tons.

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