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Last equations may be expressed in vector form with the aid of
         Fig.  1-78, in  which  the elemental mass and the  mass  center  G  are
         located by their respective position vectors  r ɶ  =  x +i ɶ  y +j ɶ  zk ɶ  and
          r  =  x +i  y +j  zk . Thus, Eqs.  1-57 are the components of  the single
         vector equation

                                         ∫ r ɶ dm
                                     r  =     .                                        1-58
                                         ∫ dm

              Center of Mass of a Volume. If the body in Fig. 1-79 is made
         from a homogeneous material, then its density ρ=const (rho) will be
         constant. Therefore, a differential element of volume dV has a mass
          dm ρ=  dV  Substituting  this into Eqs. 1-57  and canceling out  ρ, we
         obtain formulas that locate the center of mass C of the body; namely
                            ∫ xdV        ∫ ydV        ∫  zdV
                        x =              y =          z =                    1-59
                            ∫ dV          ∫ dV         ∫ dV

                                     Fig. 1-79.

              Center of Mass of an Area. When a body of density ρ has a
         small but constant thickness h, we can model it as a surface area S,
         Fig. 1-80. The mass of an element becomes  dm ρ=  hdS . Again, if ρ
         and h are constant over the entire area, the coordinates may be written

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