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P. 21

5. What is an oil trap? List two conditions common to all traps.

                         Task 8. Copy out the most important sentences which show the main idea of the text.

                                                          TEST YOURSELF

                         Task 1. Tell whether the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.
                    1. Many nonmetallics are used up in the process of creating other products.
                    2. Fluorite and limestone that are part of the machinery process.
                    3. Nonmetallic  mineral  resources  are  commonly  divided  into  two  broad  groups:  building
                       materials and industrial minerals.
                    4. Limestone, as a building material, is used in making cement.
                    5. Gypsum, cement and aggregate go into the making of concrete.
                    6. Industrial  minerals  are  used  in  the  manufacture  of  chemicals  and  the  production  of
                    7. A greater share of our future needs will eventually have to come only from coal.
                    8. All present-day coal usage is for the generation of electricity.
                    9. Surface mining can cause a lot of problems to the environment.
                    10.  When the coal is burned, the sulfur is converted into noxious sulfuroxide gases.
                    11.  Petroleum and natural gas consist of various hydrocarbon compounds mixed together.
                    12.  The newly created petroleum and natural gas are not mobile.

                         Task 2. Underline the correct answer:
                    1. Limestone is only a building material / only an industrial mineral / can be found in both
                    2. Aggregate is a building material / an industrial mineral / can be found in both categories.
                    3. Garnet is a building material / an industrial mineral / can be found in both categories.
                    4. A greater share of our future needs in new petroleum reserves will eventually have to come
                       only from coal / only from alternative energy sources / from both coal and alternative
                       energy sources.
                    5. Only  coal  /  coal,  petroleum  and  natural  gas  /  only  petroleum  and  natural  gas  are
                       biological products derived from the remains of organisms.

                                                            UNIT 4
                                                     GEOLOGIC TIME

                         Task 1.  Read and memorize the following words:
                  relative  dating  –  відносна  геохронологія;  geologic  time  scale  –  шкала  геологічного
                  визначення відносного віку                      часу
                  perceive - сприймати                            seek - шукати
                  numerical  date  –  дата,  що  виражається  sequence  of  formation  –  послідовність
                  цифрою                                          напластувань  (геологічних  формацій,  серій
                  supplement - доповнювати                        breakthrough – прорив, перемога
                  outcrop of sedimentary rock layers – вихід на  the law of superposition – закон суперпозиції
                  поверхню  або  оголення  шарів  осадових
                  undeformed - недеформований                     principle  of  original  horizontality  –  принцип
                                                                  первинної горизонтальності
                  inclined  –  похилий;  розташований  під  crustal disturbances – порушення земної кори
                  conformable  –  узгоджене  напластування  unconformities – неузгоджене напластування
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