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P. 14

Essentials of Geology
                         Task 1. Translate the following text into Ukrainian. Build up a glossary to the
                  underlined terms.
                         Sedimentary rocks are formed as sediments, either from eroded fragments of older rocks
                  or  chemical  precipitates.  Sediments  lithify  by  both  compaction,  as  the  grains  are  squeezed
                  together into a denser mass than the original, and by cementation, as minerals precipitate around
                  the  grains  after  deposition  and  bind  the  particles  together.  Sediments  are  compacted  and
                  cemented  after  burial  under  additional  layers  of  sediment.  Thus  sandstone  forms  by  the
                  lithification of sand particles and limestone by the lithification of shells and other particles of
                  calcium carbonate. These types of rocks are typically deposited in horizontal layers, or strata, at
                  the bottom of rivers, oceans, and deltas. Limestone, sandstone, and clay are typical sedimentary

                         Task 2. Translate the following sentences into English using the given vocabulary.
                                                          Topic: Rocks
                  текстура - texture                              стан - condition
                  взаємовідношення - relationship                 уламкова структура – pyroclastic texture or a
                                                                  fragmental texture
                  дрібнозерниста – fine-grained                   порфірова структура – porphyritic texture
                  порфіровидна структура – porphyritic-like       кристалічне зерно – crystal grain
                         Будова гірських порід  характеризується  структурою  і текстурою. Структура – це
                  особливості  внутрішньої    будови  гірської  породи,  яка  визначається  станом  мінеральної
                  речовини (кристалічна, аморфна, уламкова), розміром і формою мінеральних зерен та їх
                  взаємовідношеннями. Якщо порода  повністю складена з кристалічних зерен, виділяють
                  повнокристалічну структуру. Якщо в будові породи переважає  нерозкристалізована маса,
                  говорять  про  аморфну  структуру.  Якщо  в  аморфній  масі  знаходяться  вкраплені
                  кристалічні зерна,  структуру називають порфіровою. У випадку, якщо крупні  кристалічні
                  зерна  вкраплені  в  більш  дрібнозернисту,  але  також    кристалічну  масу,  виділяють
                  порфіровидну  структуру.  Якщо    порода  складена  уламками  мінералів,  або  інших  порід
                  говорять,  що вона має уламкову структуру.

                                                   INDIVIDUAL READING

                         Task 1. Read the following text, translate it into Ukrainian (in written form).
                         Sediment has two principal sources. First,  it  may  be an accumulation of  material that
                  (genesis = origin, dia = change) originates and is transported as solid particles derived from both
                  mechanical  and  chemical  weathering.  Deposits  of  this  type  are  termed  detrital,  and  the
                  sedimentary rocks that they form are called detrital sedimentary rocks. The second major source
                  of sediment is soluble material produced largely by chemical weathering. When these ions in
                  solution  are  precipitated  by  either  inorganic  or  biologic  processes,  the  material  is  known  as
                  chemical sediment, and the rocks formed from it are called chemical sedimentary rocks. The
                  third  category  is  organic  sedimentary  rocks.  The  primary  example  is  coal.  This  black
                  combustible  rock  consists  of  organic  carbon  from  the  remains  of  plants  that  died  and
                  accumulated  on  the  floor  of  a  swamp.  The  bits  and  pieces  of  undecayed  plant  material  that
                  constitute the “sediments” in coal are quite unlike the weathering products that make up detrital
                  and chemical sedimentary rocks.
                         Clay  minerals  and  quartz  are  the  chief  constituents  of  most  sedimentary  rocks  in  the
                  category  of  detrital  sedimentary  rocks.  Clay  minerals  are  the  most  abundant  product  of  the
                  chemical  weathering  of  silicate  minerals,  especially  the  feldspars.  Clays  are  fine-grained
                  minerals with sheetlike crystalline structures similar to the micas. The other common mineral,
                  quartz, is abundant because it is extremely durable and very resistant to chemical weathering.
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