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For steel rods  k is taken from 1.8 to 3; rod iron  k    5 5,5  ,
                          ст                                  ст
          for wood rods  k    3 3,2  .
          To  prevent  the  loss  of  stability  of  structures,  it  is  necessary  to
          enforce  stability  conditions  (5.1),  and  it  needs  to  be  able  to
          determine the critical load.

          5.2  Euler’s problem

          Direct  prop  rod  with  hinged  ends  (fig.  5.2)  is  compressed  by
          force, that is critical P . It is assumed that the stress under critical
          force  does  not  exceed  the  boundary  of  proportionality.  In  this
          case,  the  equilibrium  of  the  rod  is  indifferent,  i.e.  curved  rod
          shape will  also be  balanced. Let’s consider the state of the rod
          with a bent axle but we assume the deviation from straight form
          immaterial. Then the differential equation of the axis of the rod

                      Figure 5.2                       Figure 5.3

          has the form
                                  d y
                            EJ          M    x ,                 (5.2)
                               min  2

          where  J    – minimum moment of inertia of the cross section of
          the  rod;  y   –  deviation  of  the  center  of  gravity  of  an  arbitrary
          cross  section  from  the  initial  position  to  the  direct  axis;
          M    x   P y   –  bending  moment  in  any  cross  sections  of  bent
          Equation (5.2) can be rewritten as follows:
                             d y     P кр
                                         y   0.
                              dx 2  EJ

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