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following checks. In the first attempt, you can use the calculation
          of the strength of both the straight beam
                                        max    ,
          and  then  increased  slightly  gained  size,  strength  check  timber
          considering  its  curvature  by  the  formula  (4.7).  Overloading
          should not exceed 5%.

          4.3  Calculation  of  the  displacement  curves  in  uneven

          In  general,  flat  bend  when  M  ,  N    and  Q  ,
          determination  of  angular  and  linear  displacement  curves  in  the
          most  convenient  to  carry  out  energy  bars  by  Mora.  For  large
          curvature beams moving in terms of its axis has the form

                  M M         N N       MN    NM          Q Q
            1P 
                      1  ds     1 ds    1      1 ds k    1 ds ,
                s  ES R      s  EF       s    EFR           s  GF

          where  M , N   and  Q   -  expressions  of  internal  force  factors
          caused by a given load,  M ,  N  and  Q  - expressions of internal
                                    1    1      1
          force factors caused the unit load that is applied in the direction
          of the desired movement.
          For beams of low curvature influence the longitudinal and shear
          force is usually neglected, and consider that  S R   J , then the
                                                         н     z
          formula (4.9) greatly simplifies and takes the form

                                         M M
                                             1  ds .               (4.10)
                                   1P 
                                        s  EJ z

          When  the  expressions  for  the  internal  forces  are  different  for
          different parts of the crooked timber, it is necessary to calculate
          Mora’s  integrals  for  individual  sites  and  the  results  are
          summarized. To determine the angular displacement required in
          section,  angle  of  which  is  determined,  attach  unit  dummy

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