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N    cos      0,5sin  P ;

                            Q    sin      0,5cos  P ;
                          M      PR 1 cos    0,5sin  .
                              
          By getting hold of formulas build diagrams N, Q and M (fig. 4.2,
          If the curve beam is under a uniformly distributed load q , in this
          case,  we  must  bear  in  mind  that  the  resultant  uniformly
          distributed  load  P   applied  to the  arc  of  arbitrary  shape,  is  the
          product of the intensity of the load on the length of the chord that
          pulls this arc perpendicular to this chord and is through its middle
          (fig. 4.3):
                            P   P     qdx   q dx   ql .
                                     ACB       0
                 Bending moment with respect to the origin:
                             B       B       l        0      ql 2
                     M   q xdx q ydy      q xdx q ydy      .
                             A       A       0        0       2

                                    Figure 4.3

          Between the intensity of the load  q  and the internal efforts of N,
          Q and M are the following differential relationship:
                             dN     Q        dN
                                       або       Q ;
                             ds      R       d

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