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  z sin  y  cos    M
                        M                  cos  z tg    y 
                            J        J        J
                             y        z        z
                       M  cos
                               sinz     y cos   ,
                       J  cos


                                    M  cos                          (1.6)
                                         a ,
                                    J  cos
          where  a   z  sin    y  cos    –  distance  from  any  point  to  the
          section  neutral  line.  Analysis  of  equation  (1.6)  shows  that  the
          greatest stresses occur at points of cross-section that are farthest
          from the neutral line (fig. 1.4, b).
          Where the cross section has two axes of symmetry (rectangular,
          double-T profile) stress in the most remote from the neutral axis
          points  equal  in  magnitude  and  differ  only  in  sign.  Then  the
          condition of strength has the form
                                  M    M  y
                                  z         ,                  (1.7)
                                  W    W
                                    z     y
          where W , W  – moments of section modulus with respect to the
                   z   y
          axes  z  and  y .
                 For  design  calculation  of  equation  (1.7)  can  be
          conveniently represented as a
                                   M    cM
                              W      z     y  ,                     (1.8)
                                       
          where  c W W     – value, which are set in advance.
                      z   y
                 If the cross-section of the rod has two axes of symmetry
          (fig. 1.5), the formula (1.8) turns out to be unsuitable. In this case
          we  must  be  specified  dimensions  of  cross  section,  and  then
          perform  calculation.  For  example,  a  material  that  resists
          stretching  and  unequal  compression  (      )  condition
                                                      р      с
          strength is of the form.

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