Page 77 - 447
P. 77

Numbers in my life

                            Guessing; giving personal information.

                            Procedure: Each student thinks of a number, which is important in
                            his or her life - a date, a telephone or house number, an age, or
                            whatever. A volunteer writes his or her number on the board, and
                            the others try to guess what it is and why it is important.

                            Odd one out

                            Vocabulary review.
                            Procedure: Write six words on the board from one broad lexical
                              set. For example:

                            Ask the students which word does not 'belong' to the others. Chal-
                            lenge the students to argue why this word is the 'odd one out'. For
                            example, a window is outside and inside a building and the other
                            objects  are  all  inside.  Encourage  students  to  argue  that  another
                            word is the odd one out. One might say that chair is the odd one
                            out because it is the only one that you normally sit on.

                            Variation: Each time you and the students agree that a word is the
                            'odd one out', erase it from the board until you are left with two
                            words. Then ask the students to suggest ten ways in which these
                            two words are different.

                              BOX: Odd one out

                              cap/jersey/blouse/purse/suit /tracksuit
                              skipping/sliding/swimming/roller skating/reading/running

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