Page 78 - 447
P. 78

                              street/traffic lights/car/bus/train/market


                            Vocabulary review and enrichment.

                            Procedure:  Write  on  the  board  or  dictate  a  series  of  six  to  ten
                            words, which have  fairly clear opposites. In pairs or groups, the
                            students help each other to think of and note down the opposites.
                            Check, and supply any words the students did not know.
                                  The box gives some suggestions for pairs of opposites. Note,
                            however, that these are only suggestions, and for some items you
                            or your students may wish to suggest other opposites that we have
                            not  thought  of.  In  some  cases,  words  may  have  two  or  more
                            possible opposites, for example 'light': 'heavy' or 'dark'. Also, you
                            should  be  open  to  original,  imaginative  suggestions  from  the
                            students,  provided  these  are  accompanied  by  reasonable

                            Variation: If by the end of the activity all the pairs of opposites
                            have been written on the board, erase the original words you gave
                            and see if the students can recall them from the ones remaining.

                               BOX: Opposites

                            foot: head, hand                          cold: hot
                            drink: eat                                    far: near
                            hard: soft, easy, gentle               father: mother, son
                            full: empty                     clean: dirty
                            boy: girl, man                  right: wrong, left
                            old: new, young                 black: white
                            fat: thin                       wife: husband

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