Page 71 - 447
P. 71

Vocabulary review.

                            Procedure:  Write  a  list  of  about  ten  jobs  on  the  board.  Each
                            student writes down a list of ten ideas, feelings, memories, etc. he
                            or she associates with one of the jobs listed. (The name of the job
                            referred to must not be included.)
                            For example, here is a list of associations with a job given in the
                            first line of the BOX:
                                    poor,  expensive,  colour,  canvas,  pain,  joy,  brush,  smell,
                                    country, friends.
                            Each idea must be described by a single word. The students then
                            work in pairs, and each student studies his or her neighbour's list
                            and  tries  to  guess  which  job  the  list  refers  to. The  student  then
                            confirms or rejects the guess and explains why he or she put each
                            word in the list; the connection may not always be obvious. For

                            Artist:  the  words  without  an  obvious  connection  are,  perhaps,
                            'smell' (smell of the oil paint), 'country' (painting in the country),
                            'friends' (friends who are artists).

                               BOX: Match the people

                            Memorising words

                            Memorising new words.

                            Procedure:  Divide the  board  into two halves. Write  in one  half
                            vocabulary  which  the  students  have  only  just  encountered  and
                            which you would like them to remember. Ask the class to pick one
                            of  the  new  words  and  to  suggest  a  word  they  know  which  it
                            reminds them of in some way. Write this 'reminding word' on the
                            other side of the board. Having written the 'reminding word', erase

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