Page 69 - 447
P. 69

Note:  As  an  alternative  to  the  use  of  chalks,  the  words  can  be
                            written  quickly  with  felt  pen  on  strips  of  paper  which  are  then
                            fixed to the board. The strips can then be moved around to form
                            different groups.
                            Variation: Ask pairs of students to write down the words in groups
                            and then tell  you what groups they  have  found. They should  be
                            able to say what each group is based on, for example, 'All these
                            words are to do with motor vehicles.'


                            Procedure: Draw a picture of a Martian on the board.

                            Place your two forefingers on either side of your head and tell the
                            class that you are a Martian. Pretend that you are unfamiliar with
                            everyday objects, for example, cars, coffee, ships, music. Pretend
                            also that you do not have a very wide vocabulary in English. The
                            students should try to help you to understand what each object or
                            idea  is,  but  you  must  continually  ask  questions  as  if  you  don't
                            understand. For example:
                                  Martian: What's a car?
                                  Student A: People travel in cars.
                                  Martian: What is 'travel in'?
                                  Student B: 'Travel' means you go from one place to another.
                                  Martian: But what does a car look like?
                                  Student C: It's like a box on wheels.
                                  Martian: What's a box?    etc.

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