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P. 22

Stage III: Modifying the topic

                            Al and Jim are still at the beach. This time, however, Al wants to
                            go home, since it is getting late. But Jim refuses and wants to stay
                            for a while longer.

                            Classroom procedures
                             A. Preparing the students (5 mins.)

                            1.  Directions
                            2.  Topic Orientation

                             B. Playing the role (5 mins.)

                             C. Checking the performance (5 mins.)

                            1.  Procedures

                            2.  Function

                                    SUGGESTIONS FOR USING ROLE-PLAY
                                          WITH VERY LARGE CLASSES

                                  The  following  comments  are  made  with  a  class  size  of  one
                            hundred students in mind.

                            1.Split up the class into five groups of twenty students each.
                            2.Explain the situations and procedures carefully to the entire class.
                            3.Appoint one person from each group as a “teacher”.
                            4.Have the “teacher” conduct the role-play with his particular group,
                            following the methodology set down in this section.
                            5.Conduct the discussion session with the class as a whole.

                                                  Teacher flexibility

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