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P. 100

Student:  It's a man and a woman. They are lovers.
                                You:    What  are  their  names?
                                Student: James and Samantha.
                                You:  Good. Where are they? What time is it?
                                Student:  It's evening. It's dark. It's perhaps in the country or a
                                You:  What shall we say?
                                Student:  The country.
                                You:  (Assuming a story-telling style) Well, it was late in the
                            evening. James and Samantha didn't know where they were; it was
                            so dark. They thought they must be in the country.
                                You:  (Showing the second picture) What do you want to tell
                            me about this picture?
                                 Student:  It's a car. It's going very quickly.
                                You:  It  was  late  in  the  evening.  James  and  Samantha  didn't
                            know where they were, it was so dark. They thought they must be
                            in  the  country.  Suddenly  they  saw  a  car.  It  was  travelling  very
                            quickly, etc.

                            Tongue twisters


                            Procedure: Write a tongue twister on the board, and read it with
                            the  students  slowly  at  first,  then  faster.  Make  sure  the  students'
                            pronunciation is acceptable. Then individual volunteers try to say
                            it quickly three times. See the box for some examples of tongue

                              BOX: Tongue twisters
                              She sells sea shells on the sea shore.
                              Mixed biscuits, mixed biscuits.
                              Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather.
                              A proper copper coffee pot.
                              Three grey geese in a green field grazing.
                              Swan  swam  over  the  pond,  swim  swan  swim;  swan  swam

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