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P. 104

Greece),  glass  mirror  (1300),  steam  car  (1771),  balloon
                               (1782), steam train (1800), photograph (1826), bicycle with
                               pedals (1839), petrol car (1885)
                             (size)    minute, tiny, small, big, huge, gigantic, immense, vast
                             (calories)    lemon (10), orange (40), boiled egg (80), banana
                               (85), fried egg (125), bag of chips (250), slice of apple pie
                             (frequency)    rarely, occasionally, sometimes, often, frequently
                             (speed)    walking, jogging, running, sprinting
                             (liking)    appreciate, be charmed by, like, care for, cherish, love,

                            Walking warmers

                            Listening and acting.

                            Procedure: You need a space free from chairs and tables. Use a
                            selection of activities, each lasting about 10 to 15 seconds, to build
                            up a five-minute period. See the BOX.
                            Note: These activities are potential 'warmers' for new classes and
                              for classes in which the students know each other. The physical
                              movement and the inventiveness can provide a welcome change
                              from  more  sedentary  work.  The  examples  in  the  BOX  are
                              divided  into  those,  which  involve  the  students  as  individuals,
                              and those, which invite the students to relate to each other.

                            Variation: Ask the students to invent their own actions and to take
                            the role of organiser.

                            BOX: Walking warmers

                                As individuals
                            Tell the students to walk about:
                            -  as if they are exhausted
                            - as if they have just heard some wonderful news
                            - as if they are carrying a heavy suitcase

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