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P. 95

Play the song again when you have another five minutes,
                            and help the students to learn it.

                            Variation  1:  Before  playing  the  song,  write  on  the  board  a
                            selection  of  words  and  phrases  from  the  song,  which  you  think
                            will point to the meaning of the song. Ask the students to copy the
                            words down, and then ask them what they think the song will be
                            about. Play the song and ask the students to tick off the words as
                            they hear them.

                            Variation  2:  Ask  the  students  to  choose  a  phrase  in  the  song,
                            which they like and would like to remember.
                            Variation 3: Give the students the text of the song with gaps in it.
                            The gaps can be every tenth word or, perhaps more usefully, about
                            ten lexical or grammatical features (in a two or-three minute song)
                            which  you  would  like  them  to  focus  on.  Play  the  song  several
                            times  until  the  students,  working  in  pairs,  have  completed  their

                            Variation 4: Give out a complete text in which some of the words
                            are wrong. The students listen and correct the text

                            Spelling bee


                            Procedure:  Dictate ten words the students  may  have difficulty
                            spelling,  or  that  you  have  recently  taught.  The  students  write
                            them  down.  You  may  wish  the  students  to  help  each  other,
                            compare  results  and  decide  which  spelling  they  think  is  right,
                            before giving the correct answers.
                                Note any words that students have particular difficulties with,
                            and review them later.
                            Some words, which are often mis-spelt, are suggested in the box.

                            Variation: In order to improve the learning value of this activity,

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