Page 102 - 447
P. 102

Use the dictionary

                            Practice in dictionary use, for classes where all the students have
                            dictionaries - either monolingual or bilingual.

                            Procedure:  Give  a  set  of  six  to  ten  English  words  the  students
                            probably do not know yet. They find out the meanings of as many
                            as they can from the dictionary within a given time: three minutes,
                            for example. Check the meanings.
                                  This activity can be used to prepare the vocabulary they are
                            going to meet in their next reading passage.

                            Vocabulary steps

                            Vocabulary review.
                            Procedure: Draw a series of steps on the board. Write 'warm' on a
                            middle step. Ask the students to suggest words they could write on
                            the other steps, which are warmer or colder than the word 'warm'.
                            The students can use a Thesaurus, if they have one.

                            Variation  1:  Take  any  set  of  concepts,  which  can  be  graded
                            objectively. For example, metals can be graded according to value.

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