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and not usually a subject of conversation at dinner or at a party.
                                It is not polite to ask anyone other than a child how old they


                                Outside of the United States, all Americans get called Yankees.
                            Inside the United States, however, it's a different story. A Yankee
                            is someone who comes from one of the northern states that fought
                            for the Union against the southern Confederates, in the war that
                            northerners call the Civil War and that southerners call the War
                            Between  the  States.  In  the  South,  a  Yankee can  also be  anyone
                            who isn't from the South, although westerners argue that they can't
                            be called Yankees since most of their states didn't even exist in the
                            1860s  when  the  war  took  place.  And  in  the  Northeast,  only
                            someone from New England is a Yankee.
                                Feelings about that war are still very strong in the South, so it's
                            best never to bring up the subject.

                                     GLOSSARY OF AMERICAN TERMS
                            In the United States, the term "Asian" is used to refer to someone
                            or  something  from  China,  Japan,  Korea,  the  Philippines,  or
                            Southeast Asia. While India is part of Asia, its people tend to be
                            called  "people  from  India"  or  "Indian  Indians"  (as  opposed  to
                            American Indians).
                            the class of workers whose jobs involve manual work and usually
                            require uniforms or less formal clothing.
                            chief  executive  officer;  the  person  with  the  most  authority  in  a
                            company; managing director.
                            day care
                            a building or home where very young children are taken care of
                            while their parents are at work.
                            hyphenated American
                            someone whose family did not come from northern Europe and is
                            called  by  their  ethnic  background,  such  as  Asian-American,
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