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the  wall,  rather  than  having  a  pump  box  attached  to  it.  Sinks
                            usually  have  plenty  of  counter  space  around  them,  with  storage
                            space in cabinets underneath. They usually have a single spigot,
                            with individual or combined taps for hot and cold water. A tap is
                            one of the two water controls, not the spigot, and the whole fixture
                            is called a faucet. Individual hot and cold water faucets are found
                            in bathrooms in older houses, but mixed taps are so common that
                            Americans don't call them mixed taps.

                                        APPLIANCES AND ELECTRICITY

                                Electric  current  in  the  United  States  is  110/l20  volts,  and
                            appliances  and  electrical  equipment  use  a  two-pronged  plug.
                            Sometimes there is a third prong that acts as a ground. There are no
                            on/off switches on electrical outlets to regulate the power - it is just
                            on all the time.
                                The  highest  number  of  appliances  and  electrical  gadgets  is
                            usually found in the kitchen. American kitchens are well equipped
                            with a variety of labor-saving devices. Most obvious, of course, is
                            the  massive  refrigerator/freezer.  These  two  items  are  almost
                            always integrated into one unit with two doors. Separate under-the-
                            counter  refrigerators  and  freezers  are  rarely  seen  in  the  United
                                Refrigerators are usually stocked with a few weeks' worth of
                            food, because people tend to shop far less frequently and they buy
                            more groceries in one trip, especially since the advent of the enor-
                            mous  warehouse/superstore. Other appliances that are commonly
                            found  in  the  American  kitchen  are  the  microwave  oven,
                            dishwasher,  blender,  bread  maker,  food  processor,  and  garbage
                                The appliance used for cooking is called a stove or a range, not
                            a cooker. Ovens usually have a broiler, not a grill, and the broiler is
                            part of the oven compartment itself. A grill is the metal rack you
                            use for cooking over an open fire, as in a barbecue.
                                The washing machine and clothes dryer are not usually found
                            in the kitchen. Instead, they will be placed in a small room off the
                            kitchen  (called  a  utility  room)  or  maybe  in  the basement,  if  the
                            house has one. As with all other American appliances, washers and
                            dryers  are  very  large,  and  they  are  always  separate components,
                            rather than combination washer/dryers.
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