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member  of  the  National  Association  of  Realtors,  and  members
                            have to follow the Association's Code of Ethics. Their offices can
                            be called a Realty.
                                Real estate brokers do not always display pictures of properties
                            for sale in their windows. Rather, buyers make an appointment to
                            see  a  broker,  who  will  then  show  them  any  properties  in  their
                            chosen area and price range.
                                Mortgages  are  arranged  through  banks,  savings  and  loan
                            associations, mortgage or insurance companies, and other financial
                            institutions. A down payment of about 10 percent of the purchase
                            price is required. This money should be held in an escrow account
                            until the deal is closed. The lender will require an appraisal of the
                            property before authorizing a loan, and will also require proof that
                            enough mortgage insurance is bought once the property is sold.


                                Many  Americans  will  rent  a  house  or  apartment  for  years
                            without  thinking  about  buying  a  home.  This  is  partly  because
                            renting is usually cheaper than buying, but also because they tend
                            to  move  around  a  lot  more,  so  it  does  not  make  sense  to  tie
                            themselves down by owning a house. In places like New York City
                            and San Francisco, however, rents are incredibly high, due to the
                            high demand for living space in an already crowded place.
                                While  there  is  no  guaranteed  standard  for  rental  properties
                            good, spacious accommodation is available across the country. In
                            some places, where rental properties are easier to find, renting an
                            apartment  is  pretty  simple,  although  renters  may  be  asked  for
                            personal and job references, and banking and credit histories. If the
                            apartment is particularly desirable, there may be a large number of
                            other applicants, so the landlord can choose the tenant with the best
                                A security deposit of one month's rent is usually necessary, and
                            tenants  must  typically  sign  a  lease  for  a  term  of  one  year.
                            Landlords prefer not to rent to any tenants who are paying more
                            than a quarter or a third of their monthly income on rent. You may
                            also  lose  your deposit if  you break  the  lease by  leaving  a place
                            before the lease is ended.
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