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            Virtually everything in your        of equal importance, a note       we would strongly reco-

            businnes plan will have an          of when you will be               mmend that you do

            impact on your income and           expected to pay for these         complete a profit and loss

            expenses and it is vital to         items.                            forecast, and cashflow

            work out what the financial                                           forecast, even if many of

            implica-tions of your plans                                           the lines on the blank

            are.                                                                  forms we have in –

                     If you already know                                          included within this pack

            the level of orders you will                                          remain empty.

            get, then details of these
                                                        The way in which
            should be shown in your
                                                you will be charged, and
                                                the way in which you will
                     If not, you will need
                                                charge your own
            to make  realistic forecasts.                                         What is a profit and loss
                                                customers, taking account

                     You will need to                                              forecast and a cashflow
                                                of discounts, bonuses,
            work out what equipment                                                        forecast?
                                                credit, and the like, is
            you will need to get started,                                         A profit and loss forecast
                                                known as your “terms of
            the cost of items, and the                                            is a projection of what
                                                trade”. The terms you are
            cost of replacing them.                                               sales you think you will
                                                offered by suppliers may
                                                                                  achieve, what cost you
                                                vary from one to another –
                     In order to run your                                         will incur in achieving
                                                and you may plan to offer
            business you may need to                                              those sales and hence
                                                different customers
            purchase materials, both                                              what profit you will earn.
                                                different terms according
            initi-ally and throughout the                                                  A cashflow fore-
                                                to their importance and
            year. Details of the various                                          cast, as the name implies,
                                                value to you.
            items you envisage                                                    forecasts changes in the
                                                        But whatever size
            purchasing are needed,                                                cash resources available
                                                or type of business you are
            together with their cost and,                                         to the business, i.e. the
                                                starting – or expanding –

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