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P. 54


            1.  Working  in pairs,  write  three  short  dialogues,  using variety  of conditional
            sentences. Practice until you can perform them naturally.

            2. In groups of four, write 5 open-ended questions. Use various conditional sentences:

            Example: What will you do if you don 't find a job?
                       What would you do if you were the leader of your country?

            Write each sentence on a piece of card. Pass your questions to another group. Give

            your short answers on separate piece of card to the questions you get.

            3.  Write second, third and mixed conditional sentences based on the following

                1.  I'm sure he's rich; he bought that new car, didn't he? If
                2.  I'm such a fool, that's why I didn't leave him long ago. If ....................................
                3.  1 lost my address book, so I can't ring them up. If .................................................

                4.  The government doesn't know what it's doing; it's increased interest rates! If ........
                5.  Things are bad for business because interest rates went up. Things .........................

                6.  Nobody will give him a job because he hasn't got a proper education. Perhaps
                somebody …………
                7.  He can't save any money because he hasn't got a job. If ........................................
                8.  He can't rent a house or apartment because he hasn't got any money. If

                9.  He is in this mess because he came to London. He

            4. Produce mixed conditional sentences from the following prompts.

            E.g.:  They  installed  a  new  computer.  The  things  went  worse.  -  If  they  hadn't
            installed a new computer, the  things wouldn't have gone worse.

               1.  But I don't know the answer! That's why I asked you!
               2.  We are in this mess now because they didn't warn us in time.
               3.  You spent hours choosing a tie to wear, so we are standing here in the cold,
               waiting for the next bus.
               4.  You are so insensitive; you didn't notice he was upset.

               5.  You were not invited because you are always so rude to people.
               6.  You didn't listen to my advice, so now you are in trouble.
               7.  You've got no sense. For example, you didn't take that job last year.

               8.  I'm not a rich man now because I didn't buy those shares when they were cheap.
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