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-   if somebody criticizes your cooking?
                            -   when you treat somebody to a dish?
                            -   if somebody eats like a little bird?
                            -   when somebody refuses to eat something delicious because he is on
                               a slimming diet?

                            4. The following dialogues are in the wrong order. Rearrange them to make a
                            natural  flow of conversation.

                            1.  I think it’s high time to have a bite to.  I am hungry.    (1)
                            2.  With pleasure. What do you say to a bottle of beer?
                            3.  Right you are. Come along! Let's pay for the dinner and be
                            4.  All right. Tea then. Will you pass me the mustard, please?
                            5.  No, ham as well as sausage is out of the question.  I'd like
                                some fruit.
                            6.  Is there anything to your taste on the menu?
                            7.  So am I. I see you are ready to go down to the canteen.  I am
                                just finishing this article.  Will you wait a minute, please?
                            8.  Yes, hurry up, then.
                            9.  Here you are. As for me, I never take mustard or pepper.
                            10. We want neither ham nor sausage, do we?
                            11. Oh,  yes,  all  kinds  of  things.  Let's  have  some  soup,  clear
                                soup   perhaps?
                            12. Yes, but you forget about the meeting of our English club.
                            13. I don't think  I'll have any soup today.  I'd like some salad to
                                begin with.
                            14. No beer, thanks. I prefer a glass of soda water or just a cup
                                of tea.
                            15. Will you have mixed salad, chops and mashed potatoes?
                            16. Look! The waitress is already bringing our tea.

                            2. Marry, George, Ann, Andrew.

                            1.  She isn't on a slimming diet, like you, Ann.
                            2.  Look, what a long queue!  I can't stand in it!  I'm starving.   (1)
                                By the time we reach the counter I'll die from hunger.
                            3.  Whichever you like.
                            4.  Ann: You, glutton!
                            5.  Andrew: The beefsteak looks good and so does the chicken.

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