Page 54 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 54

to determine: to determine the quantity of fuel; to determine the quantity of fuel in

          rail tank cars;

          to secure: to secure with belts; to secure with special belts; to secure with wire; to

          secure with multi-piece strapping;

          to load: to load in trucks; to load in freight cars; to load in several stories; to load in

          rows; to load in rows in several stories; to load filled barrels; to load empty cans;

          the capacity: the capacity of a tank truck; the capacity of a tank trucks may be from

          4 to 8,5 tons; the capacity of rail tank cars; the capacity of rail tank cars may be

          from 50 to 120 tons;

          a reservoir: a rubberized-fabric reservoir; a small-size rubberized-fabric reservoir;

          a horizontal reservoir; small reservoirs of fuel are transported in rubberized-fabric

          reservoir, horizontal reservoirs, steel barrels and metallic cans.

          2. Замініть виділені слова словами, що в дужках:

          1. to deliver by air (water, pipeline, rail, road).

          2. to transport in tank cars (tank trucks, freight cars).

          3. to  ship  small quantities  of  fuel  in  barrels  (cans, rubberized-fabric  reservoirs,

          horizontal reservoir).

          4. petroleum products (viscous, high viscous, low viscous, easily freezing).
          5. to secure with belts (wire, multi-piece strapping).

          6. to load barrels (cans, empty barrels, filled cans, in one story, in two stories, in
          several stories).

          7. to equip a tank car (with a low draining device, with a calibration table).
          8. to place a lining (a wooden lining, between the stories).

          3.  Перефразуйте  речення,  використовуючи  слова  в  дужках,  та

          перекладіть їх:

          1. Petroleum products are transported by rail (road, air, water, pipeline).

          2.  Fuel  is  delivered  in  tank  trucks  (tank  cars,  freight  cars,  tank  cars  with  heat


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