Page 51 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 51

6. To determine the quantity of fuel in rail tank cars each type of the rail tank has

                  its calibration table.

                  7. He wanted these devices to be repaired as soon as possible.

                  8. New techniques allowed the properties of this substance to be changed.

                  9. I believed this scientist to have made such an experiment.

                  2.  Прочитайте  та    перекладіть  наступні  речення.    Визначте  функцію

                  інфінітиву в реченні:

                  1. To include this material into report one must first discuss it.

                  2. To develop national economy is our main task.

                  3. To read English books is necessary.

                  4. To learn new words is easy if one reads a lot.

                  5. To know English well one must work hard.

                  6. We do our best to equip the Fuel Service with up-to-date devices.

                  7. The task to be carried out was very difficult.

                  8. To obtain gasoline of required quality is the main subject of the experiments

                  carried out in the research laboratory of the plant.

                  9. To obtain gasoline of required quality the research laboratory of the plant carried

                  out a lot of experiments.
                  10. To be an ideal engineer means to have knowledge, to improve one's ability to

                  analyze, synthesize and develop insight into one's field.
                  11. To deliver fuel special means of transportation are used.

                  12. Rubberized fabric reservoirs, horizontal reservoirs, steel barrels and metallic
                  cans are used to transport small quantities of fuel.

                  13. To avoid hydraulic impacts a reservoir should be secured with a multi-piece

                  strapping or wire.

                  14. To ensure safe transportation of fuel one should remember that fuel has the

                  following specific properties: fluidity, inflammation, and evaporability.

                  15. To transport filled barrels in several stories one should place a wooden lining

                  between them.

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