Page 57 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 57

Словосполучення:  low  draining  devices;  against  movement  and  damage;  the

                  quantity of fuel; small quantities of fuel; rubberized-fabric reservoirs; a wooden

                  lining; for shipment of high viscous oil products; troops with fuel; with multi-piece


                  8. Згрупуйте слова у синоніми:

                  design v; equip with v; destine v; arm with v; fluid n; shipment n; delivery n; liquid

                  n; ship v; rig v; story n; secure v; transport v; row n; supply v; oil n; providе v;

                  petroleum n; reservoir n; tank n.

                  9. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

                  a very important matter; to carry out this mission; to equip with special means of

                  oil products transportation; to transport in special rail tank cars; to equip with low

                  draining devices; to destine for shipment of low viscous oil products; to ship high

                  viscous oil products; to ship easily freezing oil products; the capacity of rail tank

                  cars; each tank has a calibration table; while transporting by railway; barrels filled

                  with fuel.

                                                         WORD LIST

                  1.    calibration table                       калібрувальна таблиця

                  2.    cleat n                                 клин

                  3.    damage n                                ушкодження

                  4.    destine v                               призначити (ся)

                  5.    evaporativity n                         випаровування

                  6.    fill v                                  наповнювати

                  7.    flatcar n                               платформа

                  8.    fluidity n                              плинність (текучість)

                  9.    freight car                             вантажний вагон

                  10.  heat insulation                          теплоізоляція

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