Page 50 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 50

electric                   електричний

              similar                    однорідний

              viscous                    в'язкий

              able                       здатний

              capable                    обдарований

              necessary                  необхідний

              secure                     безпечний


                                                                    Ф о р м и

              Форми інфінітива                       Active                          Passive

          Simple                          to make                         to be made

          Perfect                         to have made                    to have been made

          Progressive                     to be making                                     -

          Perfect Progressive             to have been making                              -

                                        ГРАМАТИЧНІ ВПРАВИ

          1. Прочитайте та перекладіть речення, визначте значення інфінітиву:

          1. To unload tank cars or tank trucks and to pack fuel the Quartermaster Corps is

          equipped with special technical facilities.

          2. The river is reported to have been forced.

          3. To carry out its mission successfully the Fuel Service has been equipped with

          new technical means.

          4. To master perfectly the profession of the Fuel Service officer the cadets must

          work hard.

          5. To determine the gasoline octane number motor and research methods are used.

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