Page 30 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 30


          1.  Прочитайте  та  перекладіть  речення,  звертаючи  увагу  на  переклад

          завершених часів:

          1. We will have completed our experiments before you return.

          2. This book has not been translated into English.

          3. They had finished their work by 6 o'clock.

          4. We knew that many pictures by old masters had been restored.

          5. We had passed our examinations by the 20th of June.

          6. We thought that you had accepted their invitation.

          7. I had spoken to this captain before I read the article about him in the newspaper.

          8. I have not translated this article yet.

          9. Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't understood you at first.

          10. We have not been to the theatre this month.

          11.  I have not been to my native town since I entered the military school.

          2. Дайте відповідь на питання.

          1. Have you been to the club this week?

          2. What film have you seen there?

          3. Whom have you spoken about this film to?

          4. Have you been to the camp this month?

          5. Who else has been to the camp this month?

          6. How many English lessons have you had this week?

          7. How has cadet Ivanov answered your teacher's question?

          8. How many questions had he answered by the end of the lesson?

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