Page 116 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 116

energy  per  unit  of  mass  of  any  source  known.  It  must  be  noted  that  controlled

          atomic energy has already produced electric power and marine propulsion power.

          5. Another possible problem considered in any engine is its flexibility. Flexibility

          is the ability of the engine to run smoothly and perform properly at all speeds and

          through all variations of atmospheric conditions.

          6. One more important problem worked at by the designers is the engine reliability.

          The engine is to have a  long, with maximum of time between overhaul periods.

          7. It must be emphasized that in some cases the problem of balance is one of the

          main. Balance has several possible meanings but the principle factor is freedom

          from vibration. Besides any engine must be started easily and carry its full load in

          a few minutes. The necessity of carrying away excess heat developed by the engine

          has always been a problem of first importance too.

          8. As mentioned before the power plant is a means of propulsion. Nowadays there

          exist many types of engines used for various purposes. There are gasoline engines,

          diesel engines, gas turbines, steam engines, steam turbines, jet engines and rocket


                                      КОМЕНТАРІ  ДО  ТЕКСТУ

          thrust                                         реактивна рушійна сила, натиск
          weight power ratio                             співвідношення ваги до потужності

          output                                         потужність
          overhaul                                       капітальний ремонт

          it must be emphasized                          необхідно підкреслити
          full load                                      повне навантаження

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