Page 118 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 118

In  case  the  fuel  jet  has  stopped  (the  pressure  in  the  delivery  line  has  sharply

          dropped to zero) close the delivery line slide valves quickly and proceed to suction.

          The pressure in the delivery line is checked by taking the readings off the pressure

          and vacuum gauge connected to the pump delivery branch pipe.

                                       КОМЕНТАРІ  ДО ТЕКСТУ

          rating                                       потужність

          a slide valve                                золотниковий клапан

          delivery                                     натиск (напір); нагнітання

          a branch pipe                                патрубок

          to dispense                                  перекачувати

          fuel jet                                     паливний жиклер

          a suction head                               висота всмоктування

          a vacuum gauge                               вакуумметр

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