Page 115 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 115

5.  Mazut pumping plants (are designed, oil and mazut pumping, can also pump, a

                      screw pump, the main type, are mounted on).

                                                          T E X T  B

                                              T H E   P O W E R   P L A N T

                   1. Прочитайте текст та розкажіть:

                   a) про походження слова "engine";

                   b) про основні проблеми, які виникають при конструюванні двигунів;

                   c) про основні типи двигунів.

                  1. Any kind of vehicle must be able to move. The ability to move demands power.

                  A  machine  that  produces  mechanical  power  or  energy  is  called  an  engine  or  a

                  power plant. The word "engine" originally meant any ingenious device, came from

                  the Greek word "ingenious", clever.

                  2.  It  must  be  started  that  engines  present  one  of  the  most  interesting  groups  of

                  problems  considered  in  the  engineering  field.  The  problems  dealt  with  are

                  different. One of the main problems worked at by the designers is receiving the

                  maximum possible power or thrust for minimum weight.
                  3.  If  used  for  any  vehicle  the  engine  has  to  have  the  reduced  weight  per  horse

                  power of the engine. The weight is included in the factor called the weight power
                  ratio,  which  may  be  defined  as  the  weight  in  pounds  per  horse  power  output.

                  Another important problem dealt with is that of fuel. Both in the past and today the
                  designers work at the problem of getting lower specific fuel consumption, when

                  considered the power they tried to increase the amount of power produced from the

                  amount of fuel consumed for a given period of time. Specific fuel consumption is

                  obtained by dividing the weight of the fuel turned per hour by the horse powered


                  4.  Probably  the  reduction  of  fuel  consumption  can  be  solved  when  a  nuclear

                  reactor is used. If used as a source of power the nuclear process gives the most

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