Page 111 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 111

2.  Pumping  stations  for  special  fuel  are designed  for pumping  "Melanzh" and

                       fuel components (in troops group, by pipeline, at stationary depots and bases

                       of special fuel).

                   3.  The  ПСГ-160  is  mounted  on  the  chassis  of  (the  ЗИЛ-130  motor  car,  the

                       ГАЗ-66 motor car).

                   4.  The  МНУГ-20,  МНУГ-80  comprise  (centrifugal,  self-priming  pumps,

                       centrifugal pumps, high-pressure pumps).

                   5.  The pumping plants for special fuel are subdivided into pumping plants for

                       pumping (mazut, oil, special fuel, fuel components and Melanzh).

                   6.  Mobile  pumping  plants  comprise  (high-pressure,  centrifugal  pumps,  screw


                   7.  The  main  type  of  mazut  pumping  plants  are  (ПНУ-100/200,  ПНУ-200,

                       МНУГ-80, МПУ-200).

                   8.  The pumping plant МНУМ-8 for oil is mounted on (a single-axle trailer, a

                       double-axle trailer, a two-wheel carriage).

                   9.  Mobile pumping plants are used for fuel pumping (at depots, in troops group,

                       by field pipelines).

                   7. Виберіть відповідь, яка найбільш повно відповідає інформації  тексту:

                   1. Pumping stations for fuel are designed for

                             - fuel pumping;

                             - special fuel pumping.

                   2. The ПСГ-160 pumping station is mounted on

                             - the chassis of the ГАЗ-66 motor car;

                             - the chassis of the ЗИЛ-130 motor car.

                   3. The ПСГ-160 pumping station comprises

                             - a centrifugal pump;
                             - a high-pressure pump.

                   4. The МНУГ-20 pumping plant is used in
                             - the troops group;

                             - the division group.

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