Page 106 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 106

21. screw pump                                 гвинтовий насос

          22. self-priming                               самовсмоктуючий

          23. single-axle a                              одноосний

          24. trailer n                                  причіп

          25. troops group                               військова ланка

          26. two-wheel carriage                         двоколісний візок

                                                  T E X T A


           1. Прочитайте текст та скажіть, про що йде мова в тексті:

           a) про поділ на групи засобів  перекачки;

           b) про перекачувальні станції для пального та спецпалива;

           c) про різницю між ПС та МПУ.

             1. Means of pumping are designed for pumping fuel, special fuel, oils and mazut

          at  field  and  stationary  depots.  These  technical  means  are  subdivided  into  the

          following groups:
          - pumping station for fuel;

          - pumping station for special fuel;
          - pumping plants for fuel;

          - pumping plants for special fuel;
          - pumping plants  for oils;

          - mobile pumping plants.

             2. Pumping stations for fuel are designed for fuel pumping at depots and bases.

          The  ПСГ-240,  ПСГ-160,  ПСГ-75  pumping  stations  are  used  for  fuel  pumping.

          The ПСГ-160 pumping station is the main type of pumping stations. It is mounted

          on  the  chassis  of  the  ЗИЛ-130  motor  car  and  comprises  a  centrifugal  pump

          providing the capacity of 160 cubic meters per hour, the pump is powered by an

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