Page 109 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 109

1.  What groups are means of pumping divided into?

                   2.  What is the main type of pumping stations for fuel?

                   3.  What is the ПСГ-160 pumping station designed for?

                   4.  What is the ПСГ-160 pumping station mounted on?

                   5.  What pump does the ПСГ-160 comprise?

                   6.  What is the capacity of the pump?

                   7.  What is the pump powered by?

                   8.  What are the main types of pumping plants for fuel?

                   9.  What pump do the МНУГ-20 and the МНУГ-80 comprise?

                   10. What are these pumping plants mounted on?

                   11. How are pumping plants for special fuel subdivided?

                   12. What are the МНУМ-14 and МНУМ-60 designed for?

                   13. What are the МНУМ-14 and МНУМ-60 mounted on?

                   14. What are mobile pumping plants used for?

                   15. What are the main types of mobile pumping plants?

                   4. Погодьтесь з наступними  твердженнями або спростуйте їх:
                    1.  The ПСГ-160 pumping station is used for fuel pumping at depots and bases of

                       special fuel.
                    2.  The  ПСГ-160  pumping  stations  subunit  is  mounted  on  the  chassis  of  the

                       ГАЗ-66 motorcar.
                    3.  The МНУМ-60 and the МНУМ-14 pumping plants are used for pumping.

                    4.  The  МНУГ-80  and  the  МНУГ-20  pumping  plants  are  designed  for  special
                       fuel pumping.

                    5.  Pumping means are designed for pumping of all kinds of supplies as well as

                       for their transportation.

                    6.  The  construction  of  pumping  stations  resembles  the  construction  of  mazut

                       pumping plants.

                    7.  The ПСК-50M is designed for fuel component pumping.

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