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              3.  "… communication is an ongoing process. Ideas originate in an individual’s cognitive
                  framework;  they  are  coded  and  sent  through  some  …  channels;  the  messages  are
                  received by another person, who responds accordingly to his own framework".
              4.  “Communication” is the symbolic interaction of two or more persons. If communication
                  is to occur, some stimulus must be received, the potential receiver of the message must
                  give it his attention, and the message must be intelligible".
              5.  "Communication has been broadly defined as “the sharing of experience”, and to some
                  extent  all  living  organisms  can  be  said  to  share  experience.  What  makes  human
                  communication unique is the superior ability to create  and  use symbols, for it is this
                  ability  that  enables  humans  to  “share  experiences  indirectly  and  vicariously”(Goer,
                  1970,  pp.4-5).  A  symbol  can  be  defined  as  something  used  for  or  regarded  as
                  representing  something  else.  …  Human  communication  is  the  process  of  creating  a
                  meaning between two or more people".


                     Communication theory is the discipline that studies the principles of transmiting
              information and the methods by which it is delivered (as print or radio or television etc.).
                     The term communication theory can refer to a single theory or be applied to a
              body of theories that describe and/or explain communication.
                     Communication theory
                  •  is any attempt to describe or explain the communication process;
                  •  is a construction of what communication involves based on systematic observation;
                  •  focuses on how messages are communicated between two entities, including how
                     messages are sent and received, and factors that can influence or affect changes in
                     the meaning of message throughout the process;
                  •  identifies the means, methods, and elements of communication and feedback.
              Communication Theory as a social science
              The  study  of  communication  is  a  social  science  because  it  blends  science  and
              Some theories of communication have more of a scientific weight while others have more
              of humanistic emphasis.
              Communication is a social science because it focuses  on
                  •  human beings as the object of study;
                  •  the  degree  to  which  scientific  explanations  of  human  behavior  can  be  reached
                     without consideration of the humanistic knowledge of the observed person.

              1.  Rhetorical: Communication is the practical art of discourse.
              2.  Semiotic: Communication is mediation by signs.
              3.  Phenomenological: Communication is the experience of dialogue with others.
              4.  Cybernetic: Communication is the flow of information.
              5.  Socio-psychological: Communication is the interaction of individuals.
              6.  Socio-cultural: Communication is the production and re-production of the social order.
              7.  Critical: Communication is a process in which all assumptions can be challenged.
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