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P. 81

-high pitch                    – високий тон
                                  -middle pitch                 – середній тон
                                  -low pitch                    –  низький тон
                                  -level tone                   – рівний тон
                                  -nuclear tone                 – ядерний тон
                            -uttered sentence                   -   фраза

                            3. Read what prominent linguists write about the importance
                            of intonation.

                                a)  Write a paragraph of your own on the same topic
                                b)  Be  ready  to  present  your  point  of  view  at  the  class
                                Intonation is the soul of the language while pronunciation is its

                                   R. KINGDON
                                   A foreigner who speaks a language with correct stressing
                            and intonation but with incorrect sounds (within reasonable limits)
                            will  be  better  understood  by  natives  than  one  whose  sounds  are
                            correct but whose stressing and intonation are poor.

                                   Г. П. ТОРСУЕВ
                                   Овладение       типичными        чертами      интонации
                            английского языка отнюдь не менее важно, чем овладение
                            его фонемным составом.  Ошибки  в  интонации  не  только
                            сильно искажают общее звучание речи, но сплошь и рядом
                            приводят к непониманию, к искажению мысли.

                                   J. D. O’CONNOR, G. F. ARNOLD
                                   This is very important – English speakers are able to make
                            a good deal of allowance for imperfect sound making, but… they
                            are  much  less  able  to  make  the  same  allowance  for  mistakingly
                            used tunes.

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