Page 30 - 662
P. 30

11) What happened to several other residences in the area?
                                   12) How was the damage following that blaze estimated?

                            5. Choose the correct English translation.
                            1) Гіллє Карпентер обвинувачений у 1 спробі зламу.
                                   a)  Gilles  Carpenter  is  charged  with  one  count  of  break
                                       with enter.
                                   b)  Gilles  Carpenter  was  blamed  for  one  count  of  break
                                       with enter.
                                   c)  Gilles  Carpenter  has  been  charged  with  one  count  of
                                       break with enter.
                            2)  Близько  11години  16  хвилин  викликано  було    пожежний
                                a)  The fire department around 11:16 was called.
                                b)  Fire department around 11:16 was called.
                                c)  Around 11: 16 the fire department was called
                            3) Полум’я призвело до збитку, оціненого у $ 21,000.
                                a)  Flames has caused an estimated at $ 21,000
                                b)  Flames is being caused an estimated in $ 21,000
                                c)  Flames caused an estimated at $ 21,000
                            4) Найбільше полум’я, яке поглинуло маленьке підприємство,
                            мало місце у розпалі літа.
                                a)  The  largest  fire  took  place  in  the  middle  of  summer  and
                                   had vanished a small company.
                                b)  The largest was a midsummer blaze that engulfed a small
                                c)  The  biggest was a  summer blaze which engulfed a small
                            5) Це жахливо для будь – кого у Вест Енді.
                                a)  It is terrible for everyone in the West End.
                                b)  It has been terrible for everyone in the West End
                                c)  It is awful for everyone in the West End.
                            6) З травня по сусідству сталося 15 пожеж:
                                a)  Since May there have been 15 fires in the neighborhood.

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