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Using decision trees can improve investment decisions by optimizing them for
               maximum payoff. A decision tree consists of three types of nodes. Decision nodes are
               commonly  represented  by  squares.  Chance  nodes  are  represented  by  circles.  End
               nodes are represented by triangles.
                      KEY TAKEAWAY
                         There are trade-offs between making decisions alone and within a group.
                  Groups  have  greater  diversity  of  experiences  and  ideas  than  individuals,  but
                  they also have potential process losses such as groupthink. Groupthink can be
                  avoided  by  recognizing  the  eight  symptoms  discussed.  Finally,  there  are  a
                  variety  of  tools  and techniques  available  for  helping  to  make  more  effective
                  decisions  in  groups,  including  the  Nominal  Group  Technique,  Delphi
                  Technique, majority rule, consensus, GDSS, and decision trees. Understanding
                  the link between managing teams and making decisions is an important aspect
                  of a manager’s leading function.
                         1.  Do you prefer to make decisions in a group or alone? What are the
                  main reasons for your preference?
                         2.  Have  you  been  in  a  group  that  used  the  brainstorming  technique?
                  Was  it  an  effective  tool  for  coming  up  with  creative  ideas?  Please  share
                         3.  Have you been in a group that experienced groupthink? If so, how did
                  you deal with it?
                         4.  Which of the decision making tools discussed in this chapter (NGT,
                  Delphi, etc.) have you used? How effective were they?

                      11.4 Developing Your Personal Decision-Making Skills
                      LEARNING OBJECTIVES
                         1.  Understand what you can do to avoid making poor decisions.
                         2.  Learn what a project premortem is.
                      Perform a Project “Premortem” to Fix Problems Before They Happen
                      Doctors routinely perform postmortems to understand what went wrong with a
               patient who has died. The idea is for everyone to learn from the unfortunate outcome
               so that future patients will not meet a similar fate. But, what if you could avoid a

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