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  a systemic method that was formed in the second half of the twentieth
                               century. A systemic method of the analysis of the culturology allows to
                               view cultural processes, events, phenomena as a single system.

                        4. Definition of culture. Functions of culture
                        In modern science, there is no common definition of ‘culture’. Some scientists

                  understand  culture  as  a  value  of  a  spiritual  life.  Narrowing  the  concept  other
                  scientists  refer  to  culture  only  as  an  ideology  that  must  serve  the  sphere  of
                  production. Culturologists believe that today there are more than 500 definitions of
                  culture. This is due to the phenomenon of its versatility and a wide use of the term

                  ‘culture’ in different disciplines.
                        The term ‘culture’ in its initial interpretation was associated with the notions
                  of  action,  efforts  aimed  at  something,  and  was  used  as  a  specific  supplement,

                  denoting the culture of something: the culture of spirit, culture of mind and so on.
                  Later culture came to be understood as ‘humanity’ that distinguishes a person from
                  the nature, its wild state. Culture began to measure the quality that distinguishes a

                  Roman  from  a  barbarian,  a  civilized  man  from  a  savage,  natural  things  from
                  artificial. In ancient Greece, the word ‘culture’ (from the Latin cultura - processing,
                  breeding, care) related to the agricultural labor. The figurative meaning of culture

                  is care, improvement, ennoblement of the body, soul and spiritual inclinations and
                  abilities of a person. Accordingly, there is the culture of body, soul and spiritual
                  culture (in this sense Cicero says about ‘cultura animi’ - the culture of soul).
                        Thus,  culture  is  a  set  of  material  and  spiritual  values,  which  reflect  active

                  creative work of people in the historical development of the society. Culture is a
                  way  of  human  activity,  by  means  of  which  material  and  spiritual  values  are

                  historically created. Culture is a condition of social existence of a person. A society
                  is the field of cultural activity of a person.
                        Analysis of the nature of culture and its place in the society reveals the major
                  interrelated aspects of culture:

                        1)  culture  is  a  social  phenomenon  generated  by  the  society  that  reflects  its
                  qualitative characteristics and enriches the spiritual life;
                        2) culture is a process of human creativity aimed at knowing the surrounding

                  world  and  a  human  in  this  world,  obtaining  objective  and  reliable  information
                  about the world, where the main role is played by science and art;
                        3) culture is designed to help a human not only to understand the world and

                  himself, but also determine his place;
                        4) culture encompasses the essence of human progress in the development of
                  the world of material and spiritual values and corresponding value orientations of

                  people in the world;
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