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culture  were  K.  Marx  (1818-1883)  and  F.  Engels  (1820-1895).  This  concept  is
                  based on the principle that the transforming material and social activities of people
                  determine the origin and development of their culture because their obejective is to
                  meet the material needs, as well as to form a person of high culture as a subject of

                  social activity.

                        2. Subject, purpose and tasks of the course ‘Culturology’

                        The culturology is a system of knowledge about the nature, laws of existence
                  and  development  and  ways  of  cognizing  the  culture.  Therefore,  it  is  the  most
                  important task for the theory of culture to know the nature of culture, identify its

                  laws and mechanisms of specific forms and aspects.
                        The modern theory of culture comes from a broad understanding of national
                  culture as an aspect of life in all spheres of the society. It is not only in the spiritual

                  dimension, but it is found in the material production, social and political activities,
                  everyday  routine.  From  this  perspective  culture  serves  as  an  instrument  of
                  developing innate powers of a person and, consequently, their practical application
                  in all spheres. At the same time as a system of material and spiritual values created

                  by  human  beings  and  used  in  their  activity,  culture  drafts  certain  rules  and
                  regulations of the behavior and ways of communication between people.

                        Culture  reveals  the  cultural  world  of  a  person,  her  nature:  abilities,  needs,
                  outlook,  knowledge,  skills,  social  feelings,  national  character  and  so  on.  Any
                  person in the course of her life gains the possession of the culture that was created
                  by  her  predecessors.  However,  a  human  being  contributes  to  the  culture  of  the

                  society because the results of his work are of cultural significance. One can judge
                  about the level of culture of a certain era when considering the values created in
                  this particular epoch.

                        Culture  refers  to  social  and  humanitarian  sciences.  Separate  sciences  of
                  culture  which  investigate  different  cultural  phenomena  constitute  the  basis  of
                  culture. The integrative nature, its life orientation and focuson the human activity

                  and society as a complex phenomenon are specific features of the culturology.
                        The object of the culturology is a historical, social experience of people and
                  usage of such forms of activity that are approved in the systems of cultural values,

                  norms  and  patterns  of  behavior,  traditions  and  provide  a  collective  nature  of  a
                  human life. The subject of the culturology is the study of the content, structure,
                  characteristics of the functioning of the socio-cultural experience and all types and
                  forms of the goal-oriented practice of a person.

                        Main tasks of the culturology are the following:
                             study of the genesis, operation and development of culture, revealing

                               the spirit of culture (mentality), and ways of cultural inheritance;
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