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6.  Select the main stages of the development of the civilization.
                  7.  Highlight the functions of culture.
                  8.  What sciences laid the foundations of the culturology?

                  9.  Name the main cultural concepts.

                  1.  Cultorology. Leslie White:

                  2.  Andriuschenko.  Cultural  regionalistics:  subject  area  and  particularity

                  3.  Bunge,  Mario,  (2009) Political  Philosophy  -  Fact,  Fiction  and  Vision,
                      Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick
                  4.  Xintian,  Yu  (2005)  “Cultural  Factors  In  International  Relations”,  Chinese

                      Philosophical Studies. Archived 2010-04-10 at the Wayback Machine.
                  5.  Xintian, Yu (2009),"Combining Research on Cultural Theory and International

                                                              Lecture II

                                             CULTURE OF THE ANCIENT EAST


                         1. Distinguishing features of the culture of the Ancient East.

                         2. Culture of Ancient Egypt.

                         3. Culture of state formations in Mesopotamia.

                         1. Distinguishing features of the culture of the Ancient East

                         Culture of the Ancient East is one of the most important stages in the history
                  of mankind since during that time the ancient civilizations emerged. These were
                  the societies  forming the  first states with  social  differentiation, official religious

                  traditions, cities as the centers of culture and writing.
                         The term ‘Ancient East’ describes the first civilizations in the historical and
                  geographical  terms.  The  same  term  ‘East’  is  used  here  according  to  the  antique

                  tradition  because  ‘East’  covered  the  territories  located  to  the  east  of  Rome  that
                  belonged  to  the  Mediterranean  cultures.  Right  now  the  East  comprises  Central,

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