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P. 45
Unit 5 Criminal Law
Task 1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text
Criminal Law.
intended crime навмисний злочин
conspiracy змова, конспірація
to impute звинувачувати, ставити за вину
agent, n представник, суб’єкт
intent, n мета, умисел, намір
mens rea вина, злочинний намір
to dispense (with) обходитись (без чогось)
to adhere to дотримуватись, додержуватись
precise точний, певний, чіткий
excuse, n виправдання, відмовка
to overcome подолати, усувати
ignorance необізнаність, незнання
entrapment провокування на злочин
undercover таємний, секретний
decoy пастка, принада
to instigate провокувати, підбурювати
mental capacity розумові здібності, достатні для
визнання за особою юридичної дієздатності
infancy неповноліття
insanity душевний розлад, неосудність (через
warrant ордер
charge обов’язок, обвинувачення
to arraign притягати до суду, обвинувачувати
seizure захват, захоплення, конфіскація
double jeopardy подвійна небезпека, ризик
incrimination обвинувачення, інкримінування
Task 2. Read and translate the text, write down all the unknown words.
Criminal Law
A crime is an act that a legislature has defined as socially harmful. To be found criminally responsible,
a person must commit a criminal act and also intend to commit the act. Classifications of crime may depend
on the seriousness of the act as determined by the duration of punishment or by the type of social harm the
statute intends to prevent or deter. The former classification thus categorizes crimes as felonies and
misdemeanors while the latter classification categorizes crimes as offenses against the person and offenses
against property.
To be found guilty of a criminal offense, it is not necessary to commit the intended crime. An attempt
to commit the crime is punishable as well. However, a person cannot be convicted of an attempt, to commit
a crime unless he could have been convicted of the crime itself had his attempt been successful. It is also a
criminal offense to work with others toward the commission of a crime. Thus, when two or more people
combine to carry out an unlawful purpose, they may be found guilty of conspiracy. Just as the guilt of one
party may be imputed to the participants in a conspiracy, the criminal act of an agent, may be imputed to his
principal, if the principal shares the agent's intent. When a corporation is involved, the guilt of individual
employees may in some circumstances be imputed to the corporation.
Before criminal responsibility can attach, the accused must have intended in some way the criminal
consequences of his act. This criminal intent requirement, known as mens rea, is in some instances
dispensed with. Many regulatory codes dealing with public health and safety, for example, prescribe that
failure to adhere is a criminal violation, irrespective of the violator's intent. There are, however, no precise