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P. 47

1.The Constitution of the USA spells out certain protections for the defendant in a criminal case, not to
               be violated by the governmental agencies.
                     2.During the arraignment the defendant is free to enter either of the following pleas: a) guilty; b) not
               guilty; c) insanity; d) double jeopardy; e) no contest.
                     3.A criminal prosecution begins when the accused is found, or there is probable case to believe that
               the accused commited the crime.
                     4.If the jury at a criminal trial is unimpressed by or does not believe the defense of the accused it turns
               out an unfavorable verdict.
                     5.The intent to commit a crime by itself and is prosecuted respectively.

               Task 7. Make the following complete by translating the words or phrases in brackets.
                     1.A crime consists of two elements (злочинна діяльність) and (вина).
                     2.There are various definitions of a (злочину) in English literature.
                     3.Some (злочини, передбачені законом) require no fault at all.
                     4.Involantary (просте вбивство) is a crime requiring objective fault.
                     5.Statutory  crimes  imposing  liability  without  fault  include  the  sale  of  adulterated  food  and  sale  of
               alcoholic beverages to a (неповнолітньому)
                     6.Liability will not begin until the offender (скоює протиправну дію).
                     7.The actus reus must of course (вчинятись навмисно).

               Task 8. Complete the following sentences.
                     1.A crime (це дія, яку законодавство визначає як соціально згубну).
                     2.Сlassifications  of  crime  may  depend  on  (серйозності  вчинку,  який  визначається  тривалістю
               покарання або за типом соціальної шкоди) the statute intends ( відвертати або стримувати).
                     3.(Бути винним у кримінальному злочині), it is not necessary (вчиняти навмисний злочин).
                     4.(Оскільки одній зі сторін може ставитись за провину змова учасників), the criminal act of an
               agent, (може бути представлено організатору ), if the principal shares the agent’s intent.
                     5.(До  того  як  кримінальна  відповідальність  може  набрати  чинності),  the  accused  must  have
               intended in some way (кримінальні наслідки своєї дії).
                     6.(Захист  провокування  на  злочин  з  метою  його  викриття)  may  also  be  used  to  escape
               (кримінальної відповідальності).
                     7.(Кримінальне  переслідування  розпочинається)  when  there  is  probable  cause  to  believe  that
               (обвинуваченний скоїв злочин).

               Task  8.  Change  the  sentence  by  choosing  an  appropriate  synonym  from  the  list  below  for  the
               underlined words.
               An attempt, intended crime, mens rea, dispensed with, defendant, responsible

                     1.To be found guilty of a crime, it is not necessary to commit the intended crime
                     2.To be found criminal liable, a person must commit a criminal act and also intend to commit the act.
                     3.An endeavour to commit  the crime is punishable as well.
                     4.This criminal intent requirement isn’t in some instances administered by.
                     5.The accused in a criminal case is entitled to certain prosecutions spelled out in the Constitution.

               Task 9. Choose the correct definition of the legal terms
                     1.  Crime
                     a)  is an act that a legislature has defined as socially harmful;
                     b)  is something your Daddy tells you not to do;
                     c)  is the official interpretation of a socially unacceptable activity.
                     2. Felonies and misdemeanors
                     a)  are the classification of crime by the type of social harm the
               statute intends to prevent;
                     b)  are the classification of crime by the time when it was committed;
                     c)  are the classification of crime by the seriousness of the act.
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