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                         -   to develop the skills of using new lexical units;
                         -   to improve reading and listening skills;
                         -   to develop cognitive interests of students;
                         -   to educate the general culture of students.
                         Type of the lesson: combined.

                         І. INTRODUCTION

                         T: Good morning! What was your homework for today?
                         T: Who is absent?
                         T: Let’s practise some tongue-twisters.

                         Task 1. Tongue-twisters.
                         1. В нас надворі погода розмокропогодилася.
                         2. Не клюй, курко, крупку, Не кури, турку, люльку.
                         3. Прийшов Прокіп, налляв окріп. Іде Гаврило – ще не зварилось. Прийшов Денис
                  – налляв сім мис. Прийшов Тарас – з'їв все нараз.
                         4. Хитру сороку Спіймати морока, А на сорок сорок Сорок морок.
                         5. How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies?
                         6.  While  we  were  walking,  we  were  watching  window  washers  wash  Washington's
                  windows with warm washing water.

                  II. MAIN PART

                         Task 2. Homework checkup.
                         1. For some banks, quitting time is at 5:30, except on Fridays when they’re open until
                  6:00. 2. The desert looked delicious, but it got even better when Mariah put on the finishing
                  touch – red cherries on top of the ice cream. 3. Are we supposed to submit the application on
                  paper or can we send it by email? 4. Craig has been talking work home all month because he’s
                  worried that the team won’t be able to finish the project on time. 5. Leticia must have burned
                  the midnight oil to write such a long report in just two days. 6. Excuse me. It looks like you’re
                  having trouble. Is everything under control or would you like some help? 7. When the Kwon
                  family was moving, Mr. Kwon packed up the dishes and Mrs. Kwon packed up the clothes. 8.
                  If you work with a lot of private and confidential information, be sure to use a briefcase that
                  locks. 9. Did you remember to shut down your computer before you left the office? 10. There
                  are some extra pens and pencils in the second desk drawer on the right. 11. Pilar made an extra
                  copy of her house key and gave it to her aunt for safekeeping. 12. At the end of the day, I have
                  to take the papers out of my outbox and give them to the people who need them. 13. Can you
                  please clear the table so that there’s room to eat dinner? 14. There is so much clutter in Afra’s
                  bedroom  that  it’s  almost  impossible  to  walk  in  without  stepping  on  something!  15.  When
                  Angelo went to work this morning, he accidentally left his glasses behind, so he had to ask his
                  brother to bring them to him. 16. Scott meant to head home at 6:00, but then he decided to
                  have dinner and go to a movie with some friends instead and he didn’t get home until almost
                  midnight. 17. Charlotte has been looking forward to her vacation for a long time, so everyone
                  laughed when, on her last day of work, she said, “Miami, here I come!”

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