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25     skid                        переміщувати (на                  перемещать (на
                                               полозках)                         салазках)
            26     rudder                      принцип керування                 руководящий принцип
            27     borehole                    бурова свердловина                буровая скважина
            28     truck-mounted               змонтований на                    смонтированный на
                                               вантажівці                        грузовике
            29     concrete pad                бетонна подушка                   бетонная подушка

            30     groundwater                 грунтові води                     грунтовые воды

            2 Match the words in column A with their definition in column B.
                         A                                                 B
            1      cuttings               a       a shallow hole drilled near a well to accommodate
                                                  the drill string joint when not in use
            2      drilling mud           b       a loose aggregation of small water-worn or pounded
            3      spud                   c       a mixture of clays, water, and chemicals pumped
                                                  down the drill string while an oil well is being
            4      rathole                d       water held underground in the soil or in pores
            5      buoy                   e       a prospector who sinks exploratory oil wells
            6      borehole               f       pieces cut off from something, especially what
                                                  remains when something is being trimmed or
            7      groundwater            g       a device for controlling the passage of fluid through
                                                  a pipe or duct

            8      gravel                 h       an anchored float serving as a navigation mark, to
                                                  show reefs or other hazards
            9      wildcatter             i       make the initial drilling for (an oil well)
            10     valve                  j       a deep, narrow hole made in the ground, esp. to
                                                  locate water or oil

                                       Pre-reading and while-reading tasks

            3  Scan the text and define the main idea of the text.
            4  Skim the text and answer the questions.
            -  What is the drill site?
            -  What are the factors of choosing the site?
            -  How is the site prepared?
            -  What is the function of a reserve pit?
            -  What are the sizes of the cellars?
            -  In what way is the mousehole used by the drilling crew?
            -  What vehicles and in which situations are used for the rigs carrying?
            -  What are the main functions of conductor pipes?

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