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Self- denotes itself: self-refrigerator – само охолоджувач,
                            selfloading – самозавантаження
                                  Sub- denotes
                            1) the location under: subconscious – підсвідомий;
                            2) not fully; not to full extend: subarid – напівзасушливий;
                            3) subordinating: sublease – суборенда
                                  Un- denotes the negation: unabsorbent.
                                  Under- denotes
                            1) the location beneath: undermine – підкопувати;
                            2) unfullness:  underdeveloped
                                  The following suffixes are productive in term formation:
                                  -er/or denotes
                            1) the profession of a person: financier, inventor
                            2) a person with some habits: movie-goer;
                            3) a person who is follower of some trends: right-winger (людина
                            правих поглядів);
                            4) a tool, machine, device: blower (вентилятор)
                                  -free denotes the absence of something: salt-free, sugar-free.
                                  -ism denotes
                            1) some tendencies and trend: cubism, classicism;
                            2)  time  and  location  belonging  to  something:  arabism,
                            3) different phenomena: paralogism, zombism.
                                  -less denotes
                            1) depriving of something: painless;
                            2) free of something: priceless
                            3) impossibility of something: harmless
                                  -like denotes the resemblance of something: animal-like, gel-
                                  -oid has the meaning of similarity: cylindroids – циліндроїд,
                            asteroid – астероїд
                                  -ologist  denotes  the  specialist  of  a  certain  field:
                            climatologist, neuropsychologist.
                                  -worthy denotes

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