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P. 59
p sin p cos cos sin sin
t x y x yx
cos sin cos .
xy y
From this we obtain:
- normal stress on an arbitrary plane
cos 2 sin 2 sin 2 ; (3.12)
x y xy
- tangential stress on an arbitrary plane
x y sin 2 cos 2 . (3.13)
t yx
3.5.2 Finding the position of principal planes and the
value of principal stresses
Find the position of principal planes on condition that on these
planes tangential stresses equal to zero:
x y
sin 2 0 yx cos 2 0 0,
2 yx
tg 2 . (3.14)
x y
From the equation (3.14) we find two values of the angle ,
that differ from each other at 90. These angles determine the
position of principal planes. One value of the angle corresponds to
the plane of action of the maximum principal stress, and the
second - the minimum.
To make sure whether really the angles correspond to plane
actions of the maximum and the minimum normal stresses we
should study the extreme expression (3.12):